Cycle syncing is a way to support your monthly hormone cycle with diet and lifestyle. When I began to tune into my body and cater to my health during each phase, I saw drastic improvement in my energy, mood and skin. With a little investment in cycle syncing (diet and lifestyle choices that support the monthly female hormone cycle) you can begin to feel these beneficial changes as well.
Let's talk about each phase and explore some basic tips on how to work with your bodies natural processes.
DAY 1-5
EAT: red meat, pork, fatty fish, beets, mushrooms, greens, seaweed, wild rice, black beans, blackberries and blueberries, flaxseed and pepitas, raspberry leaf tea (avoid caffeine, alcohol, greasy and processed foods)
MOVE: low intensity (stretch, walk, yoga, rest)
FOCUS: shedding lining = detox phase, evaluation and intuition
ACTIVITY: Journal and reflect
DAY 6-14
ENERGY: higher, less appetite
EAT: light meals or fasting, raw fruits and veggies, lean protein, fermented foods, flax, pepitas, oats, avocado, citrus fruits
MOVE: high intensity (intervals, jogging, hiking, cardio, heavy strength training)
FOCUS: productivity phase, creativity
ACTIVITY: Prepare and plan
DAY 15-17
ENERGY: highest, outgoing & confident
EAT: colorful fruits and veggies, red bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, nuts (almonds, pecans), flaxseeds and pepitas, avocado, quinoa, salmon, tuna and shrimp, coffee, chocolate
MOVE: highest intensity & stamina (intervals, running, cycling, sprinting)
FOCUS: "magnetic" phase, communication and collaboration
ACTIVITY: Socialize and connect with others
DAY 18-28
ENERGY: lower, more cravings
EAT: regular balanced meals, healthy fat, protein, grass fed beef, turkey, cod, sweet potato, brown rice, greens, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, walnuts, apples, pears, bananas, chickpeas, peppermint tea (avoid added sugar, greasy foods, alcohol and dairy)
MOVE: moderate intensity (pilates, yoga, light cardio, light strength training)
FOCUS: nurture and rest phase
ACTIVITY: Organize, tend to your home, accomplish projects
Embrace your feminine energy all month long!
* email "free handout" to for a visual guide to cycle syncing and a list of my favorite books on this topic.